Jungleman Poker

To cut a long story short there’s a lot to talk about with the poker legend known as Jungleman. In this two-part interview with iGaming.org Cates talks extensively about his lonely childhood, his rise to fame and the ensuing problems that came with his newly earned riches. Real Roulette with Sarati™ While there are clearly a large number of online real money casinos to choose from, each casino has their own stable of available games. You may be Poker Jungleman looking for a casino that is heavier on the side of slots titles, in which case you will find these real money sites to your liking.

13 May

Jungleman Dan Cates is no stranger to videos going viral following the incredible Playboy bunny strip poker routine he was involved in last year, but his latest effort is in a league of its own – ‘The Joker meets MachoMan’ according to Joe Ingram

Jungleman’s descent into a villainous role came about on the back of his recent mini-match against Phil Galfond, a unique sidebet seeing the loser publicly proclaiming his vanquisher to be ‘the better man’.

A bitter pill to swallow for Cates as he lost €86,870 in the 750-hand match at stakes of €100/200, prompting the rather insane video above.

“You know what Falcons?” Jungleman started, using his new pet name for Galfond. “I’m gonna rip your claws out, I’m gonna tear your talons off, I’m gonna destroy you, crush your spirit, I’m gonna show your carcass to the whole world!”

Not exactly what poker fans were expecting from a ‘kudos to my opponent for winning’ speech!

Of course, Jungleman’s acting masterclass – manic laughter peppering the 3-minute video – eventually got on track.

“In all seriousness Falcons – Mr Phil Galfond I should say – is the better poker player because he outplayed me this round. He’s for sure the better PLO player – he never gets angry or tilts as far as I’m aware, he’s very competitive in all the games. He’s the better man because he treats everyone with kindness, no matter how they act towards him, even if they act badly, he still treats them with kindness. He’s always humble. He somehow manages to run multiple businesses while playing good poker, and I really respect that. I hope one day in particular I can treat people with as much kindness as Mr Falcons does, but…”

And here Jungle decided he said enough nice things, and it was back to the dark villain persona and a warning for their real PLO Challenge match still to come

“Next time, Mr Falcons will have his match set out for him – I will have my revenge. Your days are numbered Falcons! I am gonna fucking destroy you!!”

It was all a far cry from this time last year when Jungleman shocked the poker world by appearing in a NSFW Playboy bunny ‘strip poker’ photo and videoshoot in Cannes.

That one only descended into a softcore sex scene with Cates and a scantily-clad model!

What’s next for Jungleman in his ‘acting career’ is unknown, but it’s almost certain to be another outrageous affair.

Chad HollowayMo Nuwwarah

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Did it make the Mike Postle scandal look like church service? Not exactly, but there’s no denying Bill Perkins' Saturday night tweet alleging a “cheating scandal in poker” sent shockwaves through the poker community. The tweet was light on specifics, which led to rampant speculation.

Perkins responded to some tweets, shedding a little light on the situation – such as that it involved online poker but none of the major operators – and followed up the initial tweet with one clearing well-respected poker pro Jason Koon.

just setting up my twttr

— jack (@jack)

A lot of loose ends were left dangling overnight before Perkins tweeted on Sunday sharing more details such as the alleged offense, a pro playing for a “fish account,” occurred in a private game on a poker app. He added that the number of participants was unknown, the investigation was ongoing, and that there was a confession as well as physical evidence.

“Settlement w/ 1 participant gave my word I would not publicly reveal UNLESS they lied during questions,” Perkins wrote.

He later added: “There is an ongoing investigation and the person caught/confessed got a ‘plea deal’ maybe it’s wrong a very bad spot for everyone.”

Poker World Reacts

Perkins’ initial tweet set off a firestorm of rampant speculation, with many critical of him putting it out there without more details. The names of various poker pros and online poker sites were needlessly bantered about as players and fans tried to figure out just what the hell was going on.

“You’ve created a ton of speculation and unwarranted attention on other pros with your incomplete posts,” Chris George wrote.

While Perkins’ Sunday tweet offered some clarity, it wasn’t met with a warm reception. Among the common responses to the tweet were that pros have either been playing on or ghosting “fish” accounts for years and that the scandal did not make the Mike Postle situation look like “church services” and the comparison was a letdown.

When asked how it was bigger than Postle, Perkins responded in terms of the money involved. He’d eventually concede that the situation was not comparable to the Mike Postle situation.

“I was hurt and angry at the same time and to me emotionally and to others financially it was bigger but that was a terrible analogy,” he tweeted.

Perkins still faced criticism for the way he revealed the scandal and his unwillingness to reveal the names of those involved.

“I'm not going to be his executioner given he cooperated and confessed,” Perkins wrote, though he did claim the culprit was a “top-seven pro.”

Among the well-known poker pros to engage him on Twitter were Mike McDonald, David Williams, Matt Glantz and Doug Polk.

just setting up my twttr

Poker— jack (@jack)

Jungleman Poker Weird Video

Dan Bilzerian to the Rescue?

While Perkins wasn’t willing to serve as executioner, Dan Bilzerian wasn’t afraid to pick up the axe and give it a swing. In a now-deleted tweet, which was widely screenshot, Bilzerian identified Dan “Jungleman” Cates as the culprit. Allegedly, he had played on the account of someone named “Sina Taleb” in the Fun Ocean poker app.

In response, Cate sent out a single tweet of his own:

It's not the first time Cates has been embroiled in scandal. Back in 2011, he was linked to the cheating scandal involving José 'Girah' Macedo and Haseeb “Dogishead” Qureshi.

Jungleman Apologizes

On Wednesday, Cates finally published a long-awaited response on Twitter:

To be clear, I started playing with Sina (his last name is not Taleb, for the record) on May 8th and ultimately played very few sessions, none of which were against Dan Bilzerian as claimed.

I played very few hands against Bill Perkins, who sat in a game I understood was rampant with professionals who were ghosting. I thought since many on the site were using pros to play for them (which was clear by the uniquely high level of play) at the time it felt acceptable for me to be playing. Unfortunately Bill got caught in the crossfire and I'm very sorry for that.

While I don't think it's fair that I’ve been singled out for something many were much more guilty of, I accept that as a role model for the poker community my punishment should be disproportionate compared to a normal player. I hold myself to a high standard of ethics and aspire to be devoid of inequity, but I still make mistakes and am sorry for my actions. I will do my best to behave better in the future.

I'd also like to give gratitude to my friends and the people that supported me on the internet and other communications. Your efforts were vital to mitigating this situation and I appreciate your concern for me. Special thanks to Nick Schulman who contacted me to make sure I was ok and started the #Freejungle movement. If anyone else believes in my integrity and that I should not be lambasted over the internet, I would appreciate any support and will appreciate it especially if I know you.

If Cates expected that to be the end of it, he was mistaken. A number of well-known poker players let him know they were less than pleased with the example he was setting and what they saw as a refusal to take responsibility.

@junglemandan @DanBilzerian Other doing it is no excuse for you also doing it. Clearly if you wanted to play the ga… https://t.co/xsPCCchUpC

— shaun deeb (@shaundeeb)

Jungleman Cheating

@junglemandan @DanBilzerian This is not an apology. Shady behavior by top players in the industry is not a good sig… https://t.co/cw8mvtunx9

— Grant Hinkle (@GrantHinkle)

Jungleman Poker Video

On Thursday, Cates followed up his initial apology with another:

Tom Dwan Jungleman Challenge

PokerNews will continue to monitor the story for any further developments, but it seems for the moment, all parties have said their pieces.

Jungleman Poker Cheating

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    Bill PerkinsDan BilzerianDoug PolkJason KoonOnline Poker
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