Japanese Coins
This is a typical one yen coin. In today's exchange rate, it worth less than one U.S. Cent ($0.0098, to be exact). But recently, a one yen coin sold in Japan for the price of a car. No ten yen coins were minted between 1871 and 1876, during this time the Japanese government tried unsuccessfully to implement a gold standard with the amount of gold in circulation described as 'very trifling'. Gold bullion rose to a slight premium in 1874 which caused gold coin production as a whole to rapidly fall off. UCoin.net is an International Catalog of World Coins.

10,000 yen
- Size : 76×160mm
- Date of first issue : Nov. 1, 2004
[front] Portrait: Yukichi Fukuzawa
[back]Statue of Phoenix in Byodoin Temple
5,000 yen
- Size : 76×156mm
- Date of first issue : Nov. 1, 2004
Japanese Coin 100
[front] Portrait: Ichiyo Higuchi
[back]'Kakitsubata-zu'(painting of irises)
Work of Korin Ogata
2,000 yen
- Size : 76×154mm
- Date of first issue : Jul. 19, 2000
[front] Design: Shurei-mon Gate
[back] A scene from the Tale of Genji
and portrait of its author, Murasaki Shikibu
1,000 yen
- Size : 76×150mm
- Date of first issue : Nov. 1, 2004
[front] Portrait: Hideyo Noguchi
[back] Mt.Fuji and cherry blossoms

500yen Nickel-brass Coin
- Material : Cu72%, Zn20%, Ni8%
- Diameter : 26.5mm Weight : 7.0g
- Edge : Milled
- Date of first issue : 2000
[front]Paulownia [back]
100yen Cupro-nickel Coin
- Material : Cu75%, Ni25%
- Diameter : 22.6mmWeight : 4.8g
- Edge : Milled
- Date of first issue : 1967
[front] Cherry Blossoms
50yen Cupro-nickel Coin
- Material : Cu75%, Ni25%
- Diameter : 21.0mm Weight: 4.0g
- Edge : Milled
- Date of first issue : 1967
[front] Chrysanthemum
10yen Bronze Coin
- Material : Cu95%, Zn4% - 3%, Sn1% - 2%
- Diameter : 23.5mm Weight: 4.5g
- Edge : Smooth
- Date of first issue : 1959

[front] 'Hoo-do'Temple
5yen Brass Coin
- Material : Cu60% - 70%, Zn40% - 30%
- Diameter : 22.0mm Weight: 3.75g
- Edge : Smooth
- Date of first issue : 1959
[front] Ear of Rice, Gear, Water
Japanese Coins 50
1yen Aluminum Coin
Japanese Coins For Sale
- Material : Al100%
- Diameter : 20.0mm Weight: 1.0g
- Edge : Smooth
- Date of first issue : 1955
Japanese Coins For Sale
[front] Young Tree